The Difference



In today’s essential oil market there are numerous outlets where an individual can procure oils.
However, not all oils are created equal. There are countless levels of quality and purity. At Améo,
our entire purpose was to discover the highest “verifiable” grade or standard that is not
developed by some marketer, rather true proven science. Through a lot of hard work, passion,
and dedication we have been able to uncover the highest quality and standard of oils. In addition
to quality, we have also elevated the level of science. The kind of science that builds bridges
between the eastern and western philosophies of health care. Améo truly is a revolutionary
company! If you are going to use essential oils, you want to make sure that you are using the
highest quality! At Améo we have a process that will introduce each bottle of our oils to our
customers. We want our customers to feel confident that when they use, share, or recommend
our product they are doing it with unparalleled transparency.

Nature itself is the best physician

Currently there is no organization that “qualifies” an essential oil to be “therapeutic” or
“certified therapeutic.” These are simple marketing terms to differentiate one company’s product
from another. The Améo team has been working diligently to better understand what would
constitute a pure, safe, and medicinal grade essential oil. Through our strategic partnerships with
a Harvard educated Medical Research PhD and a biotechnology company, our new essential oil
company has secured access to the highest grade of essential oils. The same standard of oils that
are used in research studies by universities, hospitals, and clinics. We have taken these oils and
built individual profiles that establish a clinical grade benchmark. To date, no other essential oil
company has had the ability, the desire, or the resources to clinically and scientifically validate
that their oils meet the highest standards. We are proud to announce that we can now confidently
verify that our essential oils will meet a “clinical grade” standard.
The use of essential oils continues to grow in popularity. However, for many there is still a
hesitancy to accept them as a true alternative or addition to our personal health care. Améo
has dedicated millions of dollars and thousands of hours into research that will take essential oil
use from theoretical to actuality. These patented processes will prove the interactivity of essential
oils and the human body. This is just the type of the iceberg. The company has already
discovered myriad different uses of oils. We are just beginning to see the tip of the iceberg.
Améo is destined to be one of the top companies in the industry. We have world class
leadership from our founder and corporate partners, fantastic field leadership, amazing product
and technology, lucrative compensation plan, and most importantly culture. We have a culture
that celebrates hard work and success!

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